Quenching the Thirst Around the World?解全球之渴

The beverage market is experiencing dynamic growth worldwide and there is an increasing variety of new products to meet demand, from fruit juices, even with natural bits, to isotonic and health drinks. Sharecold is a leader in providing the technological and technical expertise to help producers, brewers and wine makers to quench the global thirst for beverages.

全球饮料市场正经历动态增长,新产品品种不断增加以满足需求,从果汁,甚至添加天然果粒的果汁到等渗饮料和健康饮品。Sharecold 是提供工艺和技术专业知识的领导者,能够帮助生产商、啤酒厂和葡萄酒酿酒厂解全球饮料需求之渴。


From turnkey projects to refrigeration 从交钥匙项目到制冷

We develop innovative solutions for refrigerating juice, syrup, soft drinks, drink concentrates, coffee, tea, soy drinks, spirits, wine and beer.



As well as complying with international quality and hygiene standards, our components and systems are designed to minimize the consumption of natural resources to reduce the customers’ environmental footprint.
