It is no longer enough to build the biggest project in the world. We want to be known also for building the best projects?for?the world.


Global megatrends—from the projected?population surge to the scarcity of resources—are changing the way we design, construct,?and operate critical structures and systems for?our customers and the societies that ultimately?benefit from them.?The last century was largely defined?by industrial development, because of these megatrends the next 100 years will be defined?by sustainable development.

全球大趋势 – 从预计的人口激增到资源的稀缺 – 正在改变我们为我们的客户和最终从中受益的社会设计,建设和运营关键结构和系统的方式。上个世纪在很大程度上是由工业发展定义的,这些大趋势将在未来的100年中被可持续发展所界定。


Sustainability is delivered in our projects using a full spectrum approach that involves our core engineering, procurement and construction functions and strategic services. This approach leverages unique knowledge and capabilities to conceptualize, design, and build the best projects for our customers and society.?The projects we deliver for our customers and society, and how we deliver them, will help ensure the 21st century is more sustainable than the past 100 years.
